Wednesday, September 24, 2008

That' S Why I Founded The Women' S Business Empowerment Summit


You can't learn how to be a entrepreneur in college - they don' t give you a master' s degree in how to become a successful entrepreneur in a high priced business school! Because, while you learn how to run and manage a business, you' re often left to fend for yourself with a bunch of theory that may not work for you, especially in today' s marketplace.

Why? - what they lack, and what you need, real time, are practical, step - by - step strategies to be successful in an ever changing marketplace - - and not just marketing theory. Because for years, I searched high and low for practical success strategies. You see, I know that intimately. Particularly for today' s success - minded woman, and there simply wasn' t anything out there. For example, even if you spent a fortune to get a degree from a prestigious business school you wouldn' t learn these 12 must - have pieces of the puzzle you will learn in just 3 days at Women' s Business Empowerment Summit: How to adopt a wealth attitude by moving forward through your fears of getting started.

Nothing. - how to have a clear vision of what you want to create and a road map to get you there. How to create a product or service to sell that will have people begging to do business with you. How to identify and exploit your own unique abilities to get more done in less time. How to develop powerful sales and marketing skills to convert prospects into paying clients. How to implement the secrets of Internet gurus to make your website your most valuable business asset.

How to utilize the unique advantages women possess in marketing your product or service. - how to quickly grow your subscribers list from scratch to tens of thousands for free. That' s why I founded the Women' s Business Empowerment Summit. How to get the media to help you make more money without spending a dime on advertising. 1How to position yourself as an industry expert and increase your client base. 1How to implement the wealth principles multi - millionaires use to build and protect great wealth. 1How to utilize lessons of successful, powerful women who have experienced firsthand the unique challenges and advantages you have as a woman in business. I wanted all of the information that women need to be successful entrepreneurs to be in one place and easily accessible. I believe if you had all the steps at one time, in a system you could easily follow, you could reach your goals much faster, whether you' re totally green or a seasoned entrepreneur who wants to achieve higher levels of success.

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